M. Marais, H. Lotriet, M. Matthee and A. de Moor (2022). The role of Social Capital in Sustainable ICT4D. In L. Stillman and M. Anwar (eds.), Proc. of the 20th CIRN Conference, Prato, Italy, 9-11 November, 2022, pp.128-147.
This paper tells the story of an Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) project and a research approach. The research used a novel definition of sustainable development that emerged from South American development philosophies. The concept of Social Capital (SC) is central to this definition and SC was used to study the sustainability strategies of participants in a project to deploy internet access to schools in a rural region in South Africa. A novel support model was developed by selecting local post-school youth for entrepreneurial attitudes and training these so-called "Village Operators" (VOs) as on-site technical support. Their role was to maintain wireless-mesh networks providing clusters of schools with in-school internet access. Their local offices were equipped for selling of internet access and use of computer(s), printer(s) and a scanner. VOs also trained students, teachers, businesses and new users to use internet applications, email and office software. The VOs received intensive small business training and mentoring from experts contracted by the project. The research question was: What were the sources of support and the business strategies used to grow their businesses? The business performance of VO businesses could be evaluated, but it was difficult to determine why some succeeded and some did not. The relationships of the VOs were researched as the means to access resources for business development. The results are discussed in detail to showcase the different relationship structures and the sustainability strategies of the Village Operators. Recommendations for sustainable ICT4D project design are made.