participatory community network mapping

New publication: Participatory Network Mapping for Public Action

B. Brayshay and A. de Moor (2024). Participatory Network Mapping for Public Action, in T. Rossetto and Laura Lo Presti (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Cartographic Humanities. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK, pp.371-380

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In this chapter, we present findings from a participatory mapping project undertaken in the Black Caribbean community in the London Borough of Lambeth commissioned to create a Systems Map of community support available to unemployed people and identify the barriers and leverage points to their economic engagement. We introduce the case study and go on to outline our design philosophy to enable the community to find its voice using participatory mapping and storytelling. We show how we applied this philosophy in the Lambeth case study.… Read more...

Posted by Aldo de Moor in Publications, 0 comments

Greater than the Sum meets CommunitySense: the full interview series

Over two years ago, I was asked by Christine Capra of fellow participatory mapping consultancy company Greater than the Sum to be interviewed by her on my ideas on participatory community network mapping. This interview turned out to be something much more than that. Of course, over the years, I have already published many (academic) research publications on the development and application of the CommunitySensor methodology. However, I have never been able to put the grand essence of my mapping philosophy into words as artfully as Christine has, adding her own refreshing perspective as an “outsider to my inner thoughts”. In all, that first conversation became a whole series of reflective blog posts. In Christine’s own words:

“It’s been over two years since my original interview with Aldo.

Posted by Aldo de Moor in CommunitySense, Ideas, 0 comments