
New publication: New Community Research and Action Networks – Addressing Wicked Problems Using Patterns and Pattern Languages

Schuler, D., de Moor, A., & Bryant, G. (2020). New Community Research and Action Networks Addressing Wicked Problems Using Patterns and Pattern Languages. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, 330–337.


See also the presentation of our paper that co-author Doug Schuler gave at the LIMITS 2020 Sixth Workshop on Computing within Limits on June 21.




The goal of this paper is to present a vision of research and associated practice that is intended to help transcend many of the barriers that are preventing society from adopting the sustainable goals that will help them survive, and even thrive in the coming decades. We believe the research enterprise could be expanded to meet contemporary needs, and to see it as more of a collaborative undertaking involving thinking, implementing, monitoring and evaluations of interventions with larger groups of people (not only specialists) and would be more focused on social benefit.
Posted by Aldo de Moor in Conferences, Publications, 0 comments

ALOIS 2008 conference

On May 5-6, I will be attending, as an invited speaker, the ALOIS (Action in Language, Organisations, and Information Systems) conference in Venice. Apart from the wonderful venue, it is going be a very interesting conference, in the best tradition of the Language/Action Perspective and Pragmatic Web conferences.

Here is the abstract of my talk and paper:

Activating Online Collaborative Communities

Collaborative communities often make use of complex tool systems. In these systems, work gets fragmented over many tools, often halting communication. We discuss online community activation in terms of the Language/Action Perspective, and its more recent offshoot, the Pragmatic Web. We propose collaboration patterns for defining high-level socio-technical design solutions for activation problems. We illustrate the approach using examples from a digital tutorial case.

Posted by Aldo de Moor in Conferences, 0 comments