Just published: A. de Moor (2015). Knowledge Weaving for Social Innovation: Laying the First Strand. In Proc. of the 12th Prato Community Informatics Research Network Conference, November 9-11, 2015, Prato, Italy, pp.51-64. ISBN 978-0-9874652-4-5.
Society consists of a web of interconnected communities. A large body of research and practice exists on how to make communities work. Still, the intersection and interaction of multiple communities – the development and use of their inter-communal commons – is ill-understood. Social innovation is the process in which relevant stakeholders jointly develop solutions to wicked problems that none of them can solve on their own. As such, it is a prime example of the need for multiple stakeholder communities collaborating. We propose a process for building a networked community-commons called knowledge weaving. This is a reflective sensemaking effort in which existing communal knowledge sharing practices, initiatives, and resources are tied together into coherent commons-based knowledge fabrics that support intercommunal collaboration, such as for social innovation. We illustrate the approach with the case of the European Social Innovation Week 2015 pre-events.
[…] life cycle stages of communities of practice? What if we could use such tailored exercises to scaling up social innovation initiatives from the bottom-up? Such community mapping practices could also be a instrument to help explore some of the main […]
[…] This contrast between both icons sets and their uses – making connections across communities and communicating the identity of a city, respectively – really got my mind racing. Perhaps, effective community network mapping needs a mix of both: unique community icons to visualize what the community is about, strengthen bonds and ties between community members, and clarify its essence to the outside world – and standardized community mapping icons to catalyze inter-communal sensemaking, collaboration, and “knowledge weaving for social innovation”. […]